Decluttering Delight! Your Kitchen Upgrade Awaits!
Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a kitchen transformation!
Drying Dishes Rack: This sleek and sturdy drying rack is perfect for keeping your kitchen organized. Bid farewell to wet and messy countertops – it’s time to dry your dishes in style!
Plates: 5 IKEA stoneware plates are ready to add a touch of elegance to your dining experience. Pink plates have scuffs. One pink plate has chips.
FREE Microfibre Cloths & Napkin: Enhance your cleaning routine with 5 pristine microfibre cloths and a bonus napkin. All washed clean and untouched, these essentials are ready to tackle any mess with grace.
Pickup Details
- Location: Travancore, 3032 (near tram stop 23 Route 59)
- Cash on Pickup from smoke-free and pet-free home
- Price: A$17
Pro Tip: Check Out My Other Listings: As we mindfully clear out our stuff, seize the opportunity to pick up multiple items at once. Your treasure might be just a click away!
Check out my other listings for: #KitchenUpgrade #HomeOrganization #DeclutterMagic #IKEAPlates #MicrofibreCleaning #HomeGoods #KitchenEssentials #DishesRack #IKEAPlates #MicrofibreCloths #TravancorePickup #HomeDecor #MindfulLiving

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Informasinya sangat bermanfaat, terutama buat yang baru punya baby, terimakasih ya
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