ANKO Corded Hand Vacuum
Say goodbye to dust and dirt with ANKO Corded Hand Vacuum! This versatile cleaning companion has been diligently maintained, with a routine cleaning regimen – one vacuum session followed by a thorough wash.
Although it’s missing the stick, turning it into a practical hand vacuum. There is crack on the body doesn’t compromise its functionality. This powerhouse continues to suck up messes with ease, making it a reliable addition to your cleaning arsenal.
Specifications: Check out the original product details here.
Pickup Details
- Location: Travancore, 3032 (near tram stop 23 Route 59)
- Cash on Pickup from smoke-free and pet-free home
- Price: A$7
Discover More: While you’re here, take a moment to explore our other listings. I’m mindfully clearing out my stuff, so you might find more treasures to take home. Let’s make it easy – pick up multiple items together!
Tags: #HandVacuum #CleaningEssentials #HomeAppliances #Preloved #GreatDeal #TravancorePickup #HouseholdItems #DeclutterSale #SmokeFreeHome #PetFreeZone

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