Explore the World of Science with Dissection Kit!
Embark on your scientific journey with our meticulously used Liberty Stainless Dissection Kit. Suitable for budding biologists and university students delving into the intricacies of life sciences. Unleash your curiosity and elevate your studies with this high-quality dissection kit, specially crafted to meet the demands of academic exploration.
Key Features
- Liberty Stainless: Ensuring durability and precision for detailed dissections.
- Perfect for university studies, especially students pursuing biology and related fields.
Pickup Details
- Location: Travancore, 3032 (near tram stop 23 Route 59)
- Cash on Pickup from Smoke-Free Pet-Free Home
- Price: A$23
Why Stop Here? Explore our other listings as we mindfully clear out our treasures. Combine your pickups and make the most out of your visit!
Related Tags: #ScienceKit #BiologyTools #UniversityEssentials #Preloved #LibertyStainless #DissectionTools #AcademicExploration #MindfulClearance #TravancorePickup #EducationalTools
Contact Us: Send us a message to secure your Dissection Kit and delve into a world of scientific wonder!

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Informasinya sangat bermanfaat, terutama buat yang baru punya baby, terimakasih ya
Informasinya sangat bermanfaat, terutama buat yang baru punya baby, terimakasih ya
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